
Fanatic Winter Tales – Arrianne Aukes


This time we would like to feature windsurfgirl Arrianne Aukes in our Winter Tales series. Arrianne is with Fanatic since one year now and we can just say that we are very happy with the performance and attitude she brought into the team. No matter if it´s Freestyle, Waves, Slalom or Stand Up Paddling, she can do it all – and always with a smile on her face!

Fanatic: What are you up to this winter?AA: This winter I will combine some training for the upcoming season with organizing some windsurfing clinics in different locations. My first clinic will be a Windsurf & Yoga clinic in Bonaire in April. After that I will run some clinics in Holland and Germany and then it will already be time for the first competitions!

Fanatic: Which destinations will you be visiting?AA: I just came back from two months Brazil, where I always spend some time to get some training in for Freestyle. January and February I will spend in South Africa to train both Freestyle and Wavesailing. Next up will be Bonaire and hopefully I will get the chance to finally visit Maui for the first time in my life this year.

Fanatic: What are you goals?AA: I want to improve my Wavesailing in South Africa, and for Freestyle I would like to get more consistent on some of my power moves like Skopu and Culo. For competition I want to do well in Freestyle again and climc up the ladder of the wave ranking. Last year was my first year doing the wave tour as well, and I hope I can improve my 10th place from 2016. Besides that I want to motivate en stimulate more girls in windsurfing!

Fanatic: What keeps you motivated throughout the winter?AA: Setting myself goals, train together with friends and fellow competitors. It’s never hard to keep myself motivated actually, I never get bored of windsurfing.

Fanatic: What is your main move(s) you want to improve over the winter?AA: PUSHLOOP! This move has been on my list since last year, but have not really had conditions where I could train them yet.

Fanatic: What other sports do you do?AA: Besides windsurfing I do SUP in the waves, Yoga, Surfing, Biking, Dancing… I like so many sports, just don’t have enough time and money to do all unfortunately!

Fanatic: Do these sports help your riding and translate into your sport Windsurf/SUP?AA: Yes definitely. I think each sport teaches me something. Yoga makes my body stronger, balanced and more flexible. SUP improves my balance and helps me reading the waves.. I think with different sports your body to stays in balance, it trains your muscle memory and helps to stay fit and strong.

Fanatic: Can you tell us a bit about your fitness and nutrition programme?AA: I don’t have a nutrition programme, but I love cooking and healthy food so that is lucky, and I’m quite aware of what I’m eating. I make sure I eat enough and get the right nutrition and during competition I take even more care what I eat and drink. My fitness program depends a lot where I am and if I windsurf a lot. If I windsurf a lot I only do some exercises to keep my knees and ankles strong and to stay fit. When I can’t windsurf for a while I make myself a program.

Fanatic: Does it change over the winter?AA: Yes in wintertime in Holland I can do less outdoor sports and windsurf less so I go more to the gym and do other sports.

Fanatic: What gear are you riding?AA: For Freestyle I use the 86 liter Skate and the North Idol sails. For waves the 69 liter Quad and the North Hero sails.

Fanatic: How does your chosen gear suit your style?AA: The 86 liter Skate suits my style perfect. I am not so heavy and this board has a bit less volume, but I still plane super early. The Idol sails are very light which for me as a girl is such a big advantage. They have a lot of control and are easy to duck for Freestyle moves.

Fanatic: What would Fanatic customers like about your favourite board?AA: The Skate is fast, planes early and has a lot of pop! And it has a good padding on the footstraps which I really like, as it is so much softer on landings for your ankles.

Fanatic: Are you linking up with any of your Fanatic Team riders this winter?AA: In Cape Town I will link up with Alice Arutkin for some Wave sessions together and with Marco Lufen, Adrien Bosson and Riccardo Marca for some Freestyling on the lake!  We are also filming a little team webisode there with all riders and I´m happy to be part of it! In Brazil there were many other Fanatic Team riders on the water: Riccardo Marca, Gollito Estredo, Dario Troiani and Mattia Fabrizi and it was very cool sailing together with them.

Fanatic: What has been your highlight of 2016?AA: Competing and winning the AWT Freestyle events in Rio Vista and The Gorge was a highlight for me. The conditions were very rough in the Gorge, I was sailing with a 3.2 sail overpowered with massive swell and this was a great experience. Also my 2nd place in the EFPT (European Championship Freestyle) was a personal highlight.

Thanx Arrianne and enjoy your time in Cape Town!

More about Arrianne here:


Authors: FanaticFanatic

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