THATS A WRAP ON DAY 1 OF THE PLAYA SURF CBbC Hotel Aloha Classic Grand Final @flykatcher_us33...

THATS A WRAP ON DAY 1 OF THE PLAYA SURF CBbC Hotel Aloha Classic Grand Final

@flykatcher_us33 with the low down from the opening day!

If you missed out on the action, you can check the full livestream on YouTube as we scored a perfect opening day of the contest!

Hookipa Beach Park, Maui, Hawaii

21st October - 1st November

Event Naming Rights


Presented by


Tourism Partners




Broadcast Partners



Aloha Partners



@robbyswift - Swift Watersports

North Shore Maui Rent a Car


Special thanks.


World Wave Tour Partners



#AlohaClassic2024 #AlohaClassic #Playasurfcbbchotel #sundek

#Maui #Hawaii #Windsurfing #windsurf #ElMedano #IWTWaveTour #waves #goya #goyawindsurfing #DanyBruch #bruchboards #TenerifeWindsurf #WorldWaveTour #pwaiwtunifiedwavetour #PWAWorldTour #thewavetour #pwarider #pwawave #wavesailing #nevrslo #nevrslomotorsports #AustinAI #Succinctly #SwiftWatersports #RobbySwift #NorthShoreMauiRentACar