TOTAL CARNAGE & HIGH SPEED ACTION! DAY 8 HIGHLIGHTS - Fuerteventura World Cup 2024 | PWA World Tour

Fuerteventura delivers hardcore Slalom X conditions, but two familiar faces rise to the top of the rankings at the end of the first day in the form of Sarah-Quita Offringa and Pierre Mortefon

The decision to run Slalom X on day eight of the 2024 Fuerteventura PWA World Cup was more than vindicated with Sotavento delivering the most hardcore conditions of the event thus far. The first two days of racing were relatively flat for Fuerteventura, but today, a new short period swell started to pulse through the course. This swell combined with the chop meant just sailing in a straight-line was treacherous, while gybing and trying to jump over an obstacle in winds gusting over 40 knots by the evening, was precarious to say the very least.

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