2022 Gran Canaria PWA World Tour ***** | DAY 8
- Details
- Category: Video
- Published: 03 November 2022
- Written by PWA World Tour
- Hits: 368
Day 8 of the 2022 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup saw the conclusion of the Men’s Single Elimination in tricky conditions. With 6 Gran Canaria titles a piece, it was the ultimate show down between Philip Koster and Victor Fernandez - but the highest #RedbullRockets jump of the contest so far - a huge 6.9m stalled double, gave Koster the win! Birthday boy Ricardo Campello also put together a stella heat to take 3rd place ahead of Thomas Traversa!
#GranCanariaWindsurfWorldCup @PWAworldtour #ElHogardelWindsurf #PozoIzquierdo #TheHOMEofWindsurfing #PWAworldtour
@IslasCanariasOficial #LatituddeVida @VisitGranCanaria #MuchoPorVivir #SoMuchToLiveFor @TurismoSantaLucia @GranCanariadep #GCIslaEuropeaDelDeporte #GCEuropeanSportIsland
@BeCordialHotel @VWcomercialescanarias @PoemadelMarAquarium @7ifilm #Windsurf #Windsurfing #waves @somwr.movement