2022 Gran Canaria PWA World Tour ***** | DAY 7
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- Category: Video
- Published: 01 November 2022
- Written by PWA World Tour
- Hits: 344
Day 7 saw the return of the usual Pozo strength winds as we arrived in the morning which allowed us to complete the Boys U20 division, where Liam Dunkerbeckl dominated every heat to take the win in the single elimination. Then it was over to the Pro Men who made it all the way down to the final 4! Tomorrow will hopefully see the completion of the Pro Men's Final where Victor Fernandez will go up against Philip Koster whilst Ricardo Campello will battle Thomas Traversa for 3rd place.
#GranCanariaWindsurfWorldCup @PWAworldtour #ElHogardelWindsurf #PozoIzquierdo #TheHOMEofWindsurfing #PWAworldtour
@IslasCanariasOficial #LatituddeVida @VisitGranCanaria #MuchoPorVivir #SoMuchToLiveFor @TurismoSantaLucia @GranCanariadep #GCIslaEuropeaDelDeporte #GCEuropeanSportIsland
@BeCordialHotel @VWcomercialescanarias @PoemadelMarAquarium @7ifilm #Windsurf #Windsurfing #waves @somwr.movement