2022 Gran Canaria PWA World Tour ***** | DAY 6

Only 12 men are left standing in the men's single elimination! This morning we promised action and the Pro Men delivered. The biggest upset was Liam Dunkerbeck taking down Antoine Martin but there were fireworks in every heat as the Pro Men put on an epic display despite it not being your classic Pozo conditions.

Check out the highlights from the day!

#GranCanariaWindsurfWorldCup @PWAworldtour #ElHogardelWindsurf #PozoIzquierdo #TheHOMEofWindsurfing #PWAworldtour

@IslasCanariasOficial #LatituddeVida @VisitGranCanaria #MuchoPorVivir #SoMuchToLiveFor @TurismoSantaLucia @GranCanariadep #GCIslaEuropeaDelDeporte #GCEuropeanSportIsland

@BeCordialHotel @VWcomercialescanarias @PoemadelMarAquarium @7ifilm #Windsurf #Windsurfing #waves @somwr.movement