
Winter Wave Sailing


Dieter Van der Eyken (Severne / Severne Sails): “For the first time since the start of the pandemic I have been able to enjoy a winter quite filled with travels again both inside & outside of Europe. In this clip I have taken some of my favourite clips I caught this winter in the wait for the summer trades to kick off here in the Canaries.

The winter started with a trip by van in Autumn to Northern Britany to visit spots like Le Dossen & share session with Steffi Wahl, Adrien Grenole , Baptiste [Cloarec] and many more local sailors and followed by a big swell in the North of Tenerife straight after getting back home.

In January it was then time to go to Cape Town for the first time in my life sailing 12 different spots during my trip of 17 days with the Dutch Crew! 

After that I managed to get a few Cabezo sessions in before heading to Chile for the first time where I got to compete in the IWT/PWA event at Matanzas and could sail the most famous spot Topo Calma a couple of times. We didn’t score any classic Chile, but definitely got a good taste for it!

Big thanks to everyone filming during these past months and making this little edit possible.
 - Steffi Whal (Bretagne) – Also photographer of the cover photo - Adrian Grelon (Bretagne) - Philippe Mesmeur (Bretagne) - Justin Van der Loo (Cape Town) - Thomas Bouwman (Cape Town) - Julian Salmonn (Chile) - Miguel Chapuis (Chile) - And anyone I might have forgotten!

Also a big thanks to Severne Windsurfing for the ongoing support towards these trips, contest & providing the best gear possible!

Now it’s time to put my focus on the contests here on the Canaries with Pozo & Fuerteventura coming up soon before traveling back to Tenerife for different coaching camps.

For more information about my camps or gear setup please go to my brand new website."

You can see Dieter van der Eyken’s winter adventures @

Authors: Super User

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