
2019 European Champion – Martin Møller Hovda

Martin Møller Hovda is a young slalom sailor from Norway. You will find him fighting with the big boys in the PWA Slalom World Tour. He recently became the 2019 European Slalom Champion in Paros. He sent us an update from a week of racing and his best result so far in his career.


“The event started off quite slowly with 2 days of no wind. On the third day, we finally got some proper slalom conditions and we did 4 eliminations that day! We had 18-25 knots of wind the whole day. Great wind for my iSonic 72 the whole day. I was only switching between 7,8 and 7,0.




After the first day of racing, I was in second place with pretty stable sailing. The next day (day four) we got light wind conditions and I was using my iSonic 85 the whole day switching between 9,4 and 8,6. This was a good day for me. I continued with my consistent sailing while Ethan Westera did some small mistakes.




In the last elimination, I took my first bullet of the event and that put me in the lead. We did 3 eliminations that day. On day five there was no wind so and I knew that I was taking the win home to Norway. This is my first International Title as a senior and I am SUPER HAPPY about that.”

-Martin Møller Hovda

Authors: Oda Johanne

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