
Sarah-Quita and Oda Johanne – Lovely Holiday


Beatrice used to be one of the tourists that would come to Jeri to just enjoy the caipirinha’s and watch the windsurfers sail into the sunset. Until one day she was very curious to find out what the fuss was about this windsurfing and why these windsurfers would spend hours and hours on the water. She gave it a try and loved it! Now she’s trying to convince her friend Magdalena to give it a go as well. Magdalena really loves coffee so it could be hard to get her on the water. This is the story of 2 tourists trying a new sport, and before they know it they fall in love with it. And…. ACTION!

This year again Sarah-Quita Offringa met up with Oda Johanne on her yearly trip to Brasil. It was another amazing two weeks sailing at the lagoon, Jeri and Maceio. The cherry on top were two days of really fun swell in Jeri. Filming for “Lovely Holiday” was probably one of the most fun sessions in Maceio. For an hour we were sailing in our dresses and hats without harnesses trying to synchronize our moves. It was almost impossible because the waves in Maceio don’t come in one line. So you may have noticed that our synchro shots are not so synchro! We also learned that backslaps after a failed forward are brutal without a harness. Other highlights of the trip were Magdalena (Sarah-Quita’s alter ego on the water) launching into her first double forwards, and Oda pushing to new heights on her pushloops on the big wave days! Brazil delivered once again!

Authors: Oda Johanne

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