
Sebastian comes second at the 4th DWC event

imageimage All photos: Multivan Windsurf Cup

First of all, congratulations to our JP riders who did especially well at this event and especially Sebastian Kornum DEN-24, who enjoyed the atmosphere at this race and managed to finish second overall!

Denis Müller GER-89 came 3rd overall followed by Nico Prien GER-7 who also finished 2nd in Slalom.

Read Nico’s summary in German below after the event report…

The 4th tour stop of the Multivan Windsurf Cup in Kühlungsborn saw ideal conditions on the whole weekend. The best German windsurfers traveled to the Baltic Sea resort for some important points in the national overall ranking but with Sebastian Kornum DEN-24 they faced a new, serious competitor.

Day 1In all preliminary heats Sebastian Kornum achieved excellent results exclusively taking first and second places. Consequently, after the first day the young Danish JP rider led overall.

After a disappointing fifth place in the first elimination Nico Prien GER-7 managed to win the second Slalom second race, and finished on second place.

Sebastian Kornum was satisfied in the evening: “I am very happy to be back in Germany and to be able to ride as a participant in a German regatta again. I really would not have expected that I could achieve such great results despite a cold. I am very pleased!”

Day 2The Multivan Windsurf Cup Kühlungsborn saw world-class slalom action at the Baltic Sea and three more races were held in bright sunshine and 25 knots.These testing conditions showed how well all the competitors perform. All races saw constant change in leadership between the top riders, Nico Prien GER-7, Dennis Müller GER-89, Langer, Asmussen and the Sebastian Kornum DEN-24.

At the end of the day, Vincent Langer took over the lead in slalom.For Nico Prien the second day of competition started very well with a first place. However, in the following races, exhausted Nico made a mistake and fell which resulted in a tenth place and due to a bad neck he also could not finish any better than 4th in the final race of the day.

On the second day Sebastian Kornum remained strong but he also revealed a few weaknesses which allowed Langer and Prien to pass the sympathetic Scandinavian. Nevertheless, Kornum is looking forward to the races: “It was a really great day. We had the best racing conditions for a long time. I am satisfied with my performance. I had some small mistakes during the starts, but my speed was good and I was able to achieve such good results. ”

Fourth place is secured by Dennis Müller who just recovered from a knee injury earlier this year and could hardly prepare for the season. “It was a great race! Yesterday I sailed with a knee splint. Unfortunately, it did not withstand the pressure. So, I had to sail without it today. But I’m definitely on the way to recovery and am super happy about the result!”

The last race decided about place 5 and JP rider Moritz Bochnia GER-9 managed to overtake Asmussen and finish 5th overall!


Day 3The conditions improved for waveriding discipline and only specialist battled for the podium. But some of the top riders were missing as they already prepared on Gran Canaria for the PWA event like e.g. Leon Jamaer.

Ranking Multivan Windsurf Cup – Kühlungsborn1 – Langer2 – Sebastian Kornum DEN-24 (JP, NP) – 3. Slalom; 5. Wave3 – Denis Müller GER-89 (JP) – 4. Slalom; 5. Wave4 – Nico Prien GER-7 (JP, NP) – 2. Slalom; 9. Wave5 – Jan-Moritz Bochnia GER-9 (JP, NP) – 5. Slalom; 13. Wave


Nico Prien GER-7 reports:

Von Freitag bis Sonntag stand der Multivan Windsurfcup in Kühlungsborn auf dem Programm. Es war der letzte Wettkampf vor der Deutschen Meisterschaft auf Sylt.Es gab reichlich Wind für fünf Slalom- und eine Wave Elimination.Klar – wenn der Fokus auf dem Racen liegt und so nicht viel Zeit zum Waven bleibt, muss man auf eine gute Auslosung hoffen. Dabei hatte ich mäßiges Glück und musste schon in der zweiten Runde gegen zwei richtig gute Waver ran: Am Ende ein 9. Platz.


Im Slalom ging es mal wieder richtig Eng zu. Hier ging es mir auch darum, auf die anderen beiden TOP3 Fahrer, Asmussen und Langer, Druck aufzubauen und mir Respekt an der Startlinie zu verschaffen. Das ist ein wichtiger Ausgangspunkt für die kommende DM.Das ist mir ganz gut gelungen und ich konnte zwei der fünf Rennen gewinnen.Mein Kontrahent Langer konnte allerdings die anderen drei Rennen für sich entscheiden und so blieb mir am Ende ein 2. Platz im Slalom.Sicherlich ein gutes Ergebnis angesichts der Tatsache, dass mit Kornum (DK), Asmussen, Langer und mir vier Fahrer vor Ort waren, die TOP10 im Worldcup fahren können.

Ich weiß auch, dass noch mehr drin ist, da ich in der Woche vor dem Wettkampf ziemlich krank war und ich so geschwächt war.

Drei Tage nach dem Event in Kühlungsborn stecke ich schon voll in den Vorbereitungen für die Deutsche Meisterschaft, die am 24. Juli startet.


Authors: andreas

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