
Team Fanatic @ the Wind Waves Festival Gran Canaria


Pozo Izquierdo delivered more than enough wind and waves for the Gran Canaria Wind & Waves Festival to make it an epic event!

Victor Fernadez missed the podium for the first time in 11 years as in the final Riccardo Campello reached perfect 19 points out of 20 for his jumping after landing an amazing pushloop forward and a stalled double forward while earning two wave scores. This left Victor in 4th place while Gollito Estredo and Adam Lewis also showed some great action and ended both in 7th, which means we have 3 riders in the Top 10!

The Fanatic youngsters were rocking the show in the youth division. 13 years old Alexia Kiefer Quintana won the U17s category ahead of Julia Pasquale in 2nd and also finished 1st in the U15s where she sailed straight out and landed a clean forward loop in the final!

Tobias Bjørnaa  just held on to the No.1 spot in the overall rankings a, while Alexia´s 11 year old brother Carlos Kiefer Quintana finished 3rd.

And last but not least Julia´s brother Valentino Pasquale finished 3rd in the  U20s.

Special thxs to Pozowinds for all their support!

More info & full results:

Authors: FanaticFanatic

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