
Lena´s Morocco experience


After a welcomed first editions of PWA womens wave event in Morocco, we caught up with Lena to hear about her experience and how it was for her competing for the first time ever in these type of conditions. Pictures by John Carter/PWA

First time in Morocco, first time in Morocco for the PWA Wave event. Only girls. We saw a lot of amazing shots of characteristics places. How was the surrounding area from the wave spot? What was in the area to visit and to do other from windsurfing?Moulay is a tiny village consisting of pretty much only 1 street in front of the spot. But Essouaira is just 30 minute drive away and is a beautiful old town with all the oriental charm you want. The Medina (city centre) is protected by a city wall all the streets are super narrow so there is no car or motorcycle access. Busy beautiful streets with plenty of shops selling spices, leather goods carpets and other oriental specialities. Some great art galleries are also worth a visit!



The cuisine should be unique. What did you enjoy most?Hahah we ate tajine  and couscous almost everyday ! Its great, and you can have it with different meats and vegetables.. 

If a windsurfer would turn up in the spot. Where would you advice to stay?My advice would be to contact the local windsurfing centre Bouj X Sports, there are many locals in Moulay who rent out rooms in their houses. It’s nice to stay directly on the spot in Moulay and live the simple life, if you want more comfort you can also stay in essouaira its only 30 minutes away and is a beautiful city. 

How are the conditions throughout the year, and which conditions did you find?In the winter there is big waves and the wind is maybe a bit more irregular, in the summer it is always windy (I think at least 5 days a week), but the waves are smaller. 


The water looks brown. Is that bothering?It’s a little bit strange that the water is soo brown you can’t even see 1 m deep but in the end for us the importance is the waves in the wind so the colour doesn’t really matter at all! 

How easy is to get to the spot? Do you think renting a car is the right way?Yes I would recommend to rent a car from the airport as it is really nice to go from Moulay to Essouaira, Marrakesh or to some of the surf spots in the surrounding areas. Without a car it’s hard to get anywhere, taxis are only common within the cities and I haven’t seen any form of public transport… 


How did the event go for you? Happy of your result?No I am really disappointed with my results. We only did the single elimination and after 1 good ride I chose to follow a not so good wave too far into the bay where the wind was too light and I ended up getting stuck. So unable to score again. It was a tactical mistake I should have avoided. I still have a lot to learn when it comes to competing in waves. Taking the right decisions and choosing the right waves within the limited time you have  is crucial. 

So yeah I have learned a new lesson so lets see how this will help me in the coming events.

Lena´s Morocco experience2018-05-042018-05-04 International

Authors: Point-7

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