
Ricardo is ON for the Storm Chase

The season is already on for this years edition of the Red Bull Storm Chase, and it will be BIG, because Ricardo Campello will be taking part of it. We know he will be going ALL-IN, and cant wait to see the action. Luckily, we had the chance to ask him directly how he feels about this whole event, and what he´s expecting in this upcoming waiting period which extends all the way till May. Here are some questions we got to ask Ricardo:

Photos by: Fukajaz

image The first event of 2018 will be the Red Bull Storm Chase. What is it about?RBSC is one of the coolest events I think, the team is searching for the biggest storm on the northern hemisphere and as soon as they see something BIG, WINDY and STORY coming, they give us a call and we basically must leave everything we are doing, hop on the plane and sail on the heaviest conditions.

How long is the waiting period?We started on February 5th and we can wait until May.

Have you ever taken part of the Red Bull Storm Chase before?I was nominated for the last one and made it to enter the event, but when they did the call we were doing a movie that went to the cinema in Venezuela, so I had some really important interviews on Tvs and press conference etc… , it was right on the premiere of the cinema!


How was the location selected, and what type of conditions did you find?I didn’t go, but from what I saw it was gnarly. Not for everyone to jump in and think is fun!

How is it to get on the water with strong storms? Is it something that even for a pro-rider like you is scary, or just a little more radical than what you are used too?It can be scary, I try not to think about it much, but it can be very tricky and challenging. This is what we look for in our career too though. Push our limits all the time to find new emotions.


How is the safety during those events?RedBull made sure they grabbed the best rescue team possible, and every rider has their own device in case you get lost. There are jet skis, and helicopters ready I think.

How long before the call of the storm. Are you being informed that you need to pack and go?2 days, no thinking, tickets packing and go!

Which sails sizes do you normally use?I think you can use a 3.0 up to the 4.2 Point-7 Salt pro.

Are there locations which are already pre-selected, or it’s all a last-minute surprise?I think they have 5 or 6 possible locations that they can choose. Better not to know.

Did anyone ever get hurt?Not that I know of! We are fit and strong…, but the danger is always there.

What is the contest about? Winning or show? What needs to be done to win? Is it judge as a normal Wave event?They will tell us during the event. It depends how the conditions are. My goal is to make the show.

If you had to compare this also to other Red Bull activities in term of danger, which other of their events could it be compared to?I think the king of the air on the kitesurf part!

How did you get selected for the event? Which criteria do they use as not all the top pro riders go.I believe they just search for profiles that likes to crazy jump, that likes crazy conditions and likes to crash and go big! That’s me.


You can stay up to date with all of the latest with the Red Bull Storm Chase on their site here.


Ricardo is ON for the Storm Chase2018-01-312018-01-31 International

Authors: Point-7

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