Social Media Guide
- Details
- Category: Latest
- Published: 20 May 2015
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 407
The World of Social Media plays a key role in almost everyones lives now - whether that be from a purely social point of view or as is now more often the case from a business and promotion point of view. With Social Media now being so important we’ve put together a list of the top Social Media profiles for you to follow (if you don’t already) - as well as providing a shortlist of relevant hashtags to use in association with the PWA and the windsurfing world in general.
Top 25 Social Media Profiles to Follow
1. Ricardo Campello (Patrik / Point-7 / MFC) - Facebook - Instagram @rcampello - Twitter @campelloricardo
2. Robby Swift (JP / NeilPryde / Mystic / Maui Ultra Fins) - Facebook - Instagram @robbyswift - Twitter @robbyswift
3. Jason Polakow (JP / NeilPryde) - Facebook - Instagram @jasonpolakow
4. Marcilio Browne (Goya Windsurfing / MFC) - Facebook - Instagram @marciliobrowne - Twitter @marciliobrowne
5. Philip Köster (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) - Facebook - Instagram @philip_koster - Twitter @philipkoester
6. Levi Siver (Quatro / Goya Windsurfing / MFC) - Facebook - Instagram @levi_siver - Twitter @levi_siver
7. Ben Proffitt (Simmer) - Facebook - Instagram @k800ben - Twitter @benproffitt
8. Iballa and Daida Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) - Facebook - Instagram @morenotwins - Twitter @morenotwins
9. Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) - Facebook - Instagram @antoinealbeau - Twitter @antoinealbeau
10. Alice Arutkin (Fanatic / North) - Facebook - Instagram @alicearutkin - Twitter @alicefra111
11. Maciek Rutkowski (Patrik / Point-7) - Facebook - Instagram @rutkowskimaciek - Twitter @rutkowskimaciek
12 Max Rowe (Fanatic / North) - Facebook - Instagram @maxrowek20 - Twitter @maxrowek20
13. Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / North / MFC) -.Facebook - Instagram @victore42 - Twitter @victore42
14. Taty Frans (Starboard / GA Sails / Mystic / Maui Ultra Fins) - Facebook - Instagram @taty_frans - Twitter @fransbrothers
15. Steven Van Broeckhoven (JP / NeilPryde) - Facebook - Instagram @stevenb72 - Twitter @StevenB72
16. Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Mystic / Maui Ultra Fins) - Facebook - Instagram @cabeibusha
17. Lena Erdil (Patrik / Point-7 / Mystic / AL360) - Facebook - Instagram @lenaerdil - Twitter @lenaerdil
18. Tonky Frans (Tabou / GA Sails) - Facebook - Twitter @TonkyF
19. Amado Vrieswijk (JP / Severne) - Facebook - Instagram @amado_vrieswijk_nb20 - Twitter @amadonb20
20. Adam Sims (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg / Flymount) - Facebook - Instagram @instasimsk72 - Twitter @adamsimsk72
21. Max Matissek (Fanatic / North) - Facebook - Instagram @matmax97 - Twitter @9max7
22. Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / North) - Facebook - Instagram @pierremortefon - Twitter @pierremortefon
23. Davy Scheffers (Tabou / GA Sails) - Facebook - Instagram @davy_scheffers - Twitter @DavyH311
24. Amanda Beenen (99NoveNove / Point-7) - Facebook - Instagram @amandabeenen - Twitter @Amanda_H87
25. Arrianne Aukes (RRD / Simmer / AL360 / Maui Ultra Fins) - Facebook - Instagram @arrianneaukes - Twitter @ArrianneAukes
What are the Purpose of Hashtags?
Hashtags (#) allow you to organise content and track discussion topics based on keywords. So, if you for example used the hashtag #pwaworldtour - if you then click on the hashtag you would be able to see all of the previous posts under the same hash tagged keyword. The more a hashtag is used the more likely it is to trend. Trending describes the most popular conversation topics, often within major cities, countries or the world, so we’d like brands, sailors and the general public to use the following key hashtags where relevant:
#pwaworldtour #pwaworldcup #windsurfing #wave #freestyle #slalom #racing #pwagirls #windsurfgirls.
If you have any ideas of hashtags that you feel would be relevant to the PWA then please feel free to comment in the comments box on Facebook.
If you don’t already do so then make sure you follow the PWA on all of your Social Media Channels:
PWA Women’s World Tour Windsurfing
Instagram @pwaworldtour
Authors: Super User