Windskate Air Flaka one handed - Anton MunzThe German windsurfer Anton Munz shows how to do an Air Flaka on a wind skate board.

Loick Lesauvage - 2 hours at CarroIn the middle of April 15 year-old French wave rider Loick Lesauvage scored a nice windsurfing session at Carro in France. Watch his clip.

Jeremy Plüss & The PitchersJeremy is a top freestyler and drummer of The Pitchers. They like windsurfing, surf music and released a music clip incl. windsurfing.

Kiri Thode on Bonaire 2015 Part 3Kiri Thode filmed by Kuma Movie: a real Culo, Kono, Shaka massacre at Lac Bay, Bonaire.

A Windsurfing session on the Danish coastLeon Jamaer, Martin ten Hoeve and Leif Bischoff scored a nice day at the northwestern coast in Denmark. According to Martin it was a perfect day.

Burner into Funnell - Philip SoltysiakPhil Soltysiak is at El Yaque (Isla Margarita, Venezuela) at the moment and enjoys the windy conditions. He sent a Burner into Funnell filmed at a spot we call "La Punta".

Carving 360° - Chris PresslerThe Carving 360 is a classic freestyle move and was a very popular windsurfing move in the late 90s.

10 most popular articles last weekMaybe you missed some of the articles on Continentseven? These are the 10 most popular articles of last week.

Alex Grand-Guillot in the NormandyYoung French wave rider Alex Grand-Guillot had two excellent days in waves at his home spots in the Normandy.

Amado Vrieswijk on Bonaire - Part 2Amado Vrieswijk is on fire. In this video he lands a perfect Double Air Culo at Lac Bay. Check it out.

Gran Canaria Wind & Waves Festival 2015 - PreviewThe Morenotwins give us an inside view on the Gran Canaria Wind & Waves Festival.

Wissant Wave actionWissant, the French spot located at the English channel, saw great windsurfing conditions. Watch a clip ft. some of the best local windsurfers.

Burner one handed - Ilias ZarkadoulasBurner one handed by the Greek windsurfer Ilias Zarkadoulas filmed at Tsimari near Patras, Greece.

Ristna, Estonia - Days to RememberAccording to the locals, Ristna is the best wave spot in the Baltic Sea. "When you get yourselves in these waves you don't think about cold feet, freezing fingers or gloves that can disturb your fun. Only thing that matters is the smile you get in these waves."

Double Air Funnell one handed - Ezri HeymansDouble Air Funnell one handed by Ezri Heymans.

True Wind - Max Matissek windsurfs below groundWatch the video of the making of the first image of Max Matissek's "True Wind" project.

Oman Desert WindsurfingCamille Juban, Antoine Martin, friends and a camera team travelled to Oman during July 2014 and produced a nice clip.

Forward Loop Stalled - Ricardo CampelloRicardo Campello has amazing control during this Stalled Forward Loop at Pozo Izquierdo. He landed this move during his quarterfinal heat against Philip Köster at the Gran Canaria Wind and Waves Festival 2014.

Lazy Susan Crash - Clemens MüllerThis Lazy Susan crash by Clemens Müller looks painful. Ouch.

Levi Siver Through My Eyes Ep.1Levi Siver released the very first episode of his video series "Through My Eyes", in which he gives some insight to his daily routine on Maui.

Windsurfing at Peahi & LanesWatch a great film featuring Jason Polakow, Robby Swift and Morgan Noireaux, who scored two incredible windsurfing days.

Double Forward Loop Stalled - Philip KösterPhilip Köster shows a perfect stalled Double Forward Loop.

Majanicho Winter WavesJean-Mat de Ridder enjoyed riding the clean waves at Majanicho on Fuerteventura's rugged North Shore. Watch his video.

Amado Vrieswijk on Bonaire - Part 1A firework of freestyle moves by the Bonairian windsurfer Amado Vrieswijk. A must see.