A firework of freestyle moves by the Bonairian windsurfer Amado Vrieswijk. We heard more than once, that Amado stepped up his freestyle level over the winter. Guess, this is the proof. An actual video from a few days ago filmed by Kuma on Bonaire.
Amado Vrieswijk – Video from Bonaire
More by Amado Vrieswijk Double Air Culo - Amado VrieswijkA Double Air Culo is a very impressive double rotation in freestyle windsurfing. The Double Loop in freestyle.
Culo Crash - Amado VrieswijkLuckily Amado Vrieswijk did not hurt himself while crashing this Culo during one of our filming sessions at Lake Neusiedl in Austria.
A day in Aruba ft. Amado VrieswijkAmado Vrieswijk left Bonaire to visit his friend Ethan Westera on Aruba, where they enjoyed a nice freestyle session together.
Double Culo - Amado VrieswijkDouble Culo by Amado Vrieswijk.
Amado Vrieswijk's competition action - VideoWatch a few nice moves performed by Amado Vrieswijk during the 2014 Freestyle Worldcup at Sotavento
Grubby - Amado VrieswijkAmado Vrieswijk knows how to come back to the beach in style and entertain the spectators.
Kono - Amado VrieswijkKono by Amado Vrieswijk.
Interview with Amado VrieswijkAmado Vrieswijk made his dream come true and finished on the PWA podium. Read our interview with the 18 year old blond from Bonaire.
Pushloop - Amado VrieswijkTaty Frans puts his Go Pro in his mouth, films Amado Vrieswijk doing a Pushloop and does a Forward himself. Crazy dudes...
PWA Bonaire - Heat of the dayWatch the best heat of yesterday's freestyle competition on Bonaire. Amado Vrieswijk vs Kiri Thode.
Air Bob into Culo - Amado VrieswijkAir Bob into Culo by Amado Vrieswijk.