
2013 US Windsurfing Nationals Championships in Los Angeles, CA.

April 4, 2013 | Posted in NEWS | Comments Off

2013 US Windsurfing Nationals Championships in Los Angeles, CA.

It’s just over 4 months until the 2013 US Windsurfing Nationals Championships in Los Angeles, CA.  Hosted by the Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club and organized by a dedicated group of Southern California windsurfers, this event is sure to be fantastic!


Tons of information is up on the event website at so you can start planning your trip.  Bring the whole family to see the sites in L.A., windsurf at Cabrillo Beach and compete at Nationals – all in one trip!  There will be Formula class racing as well as the possibility of having a variety of one-design classes (Kona, RS:One, Techno, etc) and a raceboard class depending on the number of registrants.  There will also be Slalom racing and a Freestyle competition.

The organizers and th CBYC have gone above and beyond to make sure that this is a Nationals for everyone.  There are even a number of camping spots and motorhome parking spots available at the yacht club.  If you ever wanted to visit L.A. – this is your chance.  So make your plans now, register for the event and we’ll see you there!

Authors: admin

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