Dieter sails at home
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- Category: Latest
- Published: 10 September 2012
- Written by Starboard News
- Hits: 426
Hello everybody,
It’s been a bit more than a month since I updated a blog way to long but it’s been pretty busy.. Not the first 2 weeks though but with not much action on the water and most of all no pictures there wasn’t too much to write about. And then, when I did get good pictures and did get some good action, I found myself into the middle of my exams which didn’t give me spare time to write a blog, but now they’re done and here it is!
Straight after Fuerte I scored 2 really nice days at Brouwersdam one on my Freek 4.8 and one on my Freek 4.4 . With my 5th place in Fuerte I was fully motivated to push my level to the next level wanting to make all my moves go higher and more powerful. In the evening of the first day I think I sailed my best of the 2 session being fully powered up on my Freek 4.4 just made me fly! I was doing my biggest konos ever and was completing the runs with some Airbobs which I want to get more consistent. The best memory I have of that session is when I went for my biggest culo ever, I had a really nice steep chop which I could hit perfectly and really try to stall the rotation by first going up and then really throw myself over the sail, I almost landed it but just overrated a bit too far to still land it, but what did that single move gave a good feeling!!,
After that it was a while waiting for wind if you looked to the forecast, although there was this small little chance of wind in the evening before rain. So after waiting already the whole day giving up any chance for wind as the water was a mirror with no wind to sea at all, me, Nick van Ingen and Yentel Caers where going for some food when we suddenly could see the trees starting to move, I think we never ate so fast and made our way back to the beach as fast as possible, in just 15min it went from 0knts to 25 knts being fully powered up on my 4.4 just out of nowhere, every session feels good but the once you don’t expect always feel that little bit better!! Especially if the forecasted rain doesn’t show up either!,
After that the wind really died of for a while, all the way till the start of the Mission XL 2 weeks ago, after almost 10 days of no wind the biggest event of the year in the Benelux got 2 days of great full power windy conditions, in the 9 years it already exists I think this was the windiest edition of them all, which was great for the Freestyle Demo which the riders of the different brands gave every day. It was great to be part of this event as you can see so many young children share the passion of windsurfing all together with a great concept. An easy downwind slalom, as many races as possible, Freestyle Demo during the break at midday and a nice BBQ for all the competitors. And of course followed by a tombola to start of a great party! 2 days of this with wind of around 20-25 knts every day made it another great weekend. Thanks to the organizers and all the sponsors who made the event possible! See you next year. Below is a sneak preview of the upcoming movie from the event!,
Sneak Preview ; MissionXL 2012 from Walter Schellingerhout on Vimeo.
After that I went a day to the European surfweek for disabled people like I did last year but more about that in my next blog as soon as I have some more pictures from that day!,
Now I’m done with my exams and I will be searching for wind in Europe, for now the latest plan is just Netherlands but will see what the forcast does and where it brings me!,
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Authors: Starboard News
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