The PWA is in Alacati Turkey for 6 days of slalom racing for both men and women. Competion runs from August 27 - September 1. No wind on the first day. Live Player below:
The next PWA event is the Kia Cold Hawaii Wave Contest set for September 17 - 23.

The AWT has concluded the August 17 - 26 Pacasmayo Classic Event from Peru. Russ Faurot reported: "Athletes who started waves near the point definitely had an advantage, and those who were familiar with the spot were well aware of this. Some of the longer waves saw 15 or 20 turns. Aerials and solid turns were bringing in high scores with the riders using a mix of skills to rake in the points. Wave selection was key as the wind was light. Catching the wrong wave meant the sailors would be well down wind, and have a long slow slog back upwind to the point. Riders gaining the most points were those who chose their waves wisely, and stayed in the critical section of the wave. It’s very easy here to outrun the main breaking section in search of a bigger chunkier section downwind where you can boost an aerial. That strategy didn’t always work well, as the waves sometimes just faded out, and the sailors were left having missed the opportunity of milking the wave further upwind."

Next up for the AWT is the
Hatteras Wave Jam set to run from Septembe 12 - 15. "Cape Hatteras, NC is the US East Coast premier wavesailing destination. The chain of barrier islands off the North Carolina coast provide the perfect playground to find ideal side-off wavesailing given the predominant NE/SW wind directions. Coupled with long period swell generated during the annual Hurricane season, Cape Hatteras is the wave magnet for world class conditions during the prime tropical wave season." Bill Bell
reports: "Regarding the AWT Hatteras Wave Jam, Topical Outlook
is on track for incoming swell and low tide is on our side riding in the afternoon hours during event week! Gonna be FUN!"