Quite a similar session to Alistair, whom I presume was the distinguished looking gentleman derigging around the same time as me.

Pretty shattered after yesterday's coaching so would have liked to stay in bed, but I'd already organised a car share to Old Hunny. Showing 2 or 3 degrees on the way over didn't put any of us in a particularly positive frame of mind.
On the water at about 10 with a 5.8. Well powered, little ramps on the way out and fantastically flat bits between the waves in the way in. Tried some moves, but was just too fatigued.
Took a lunch break and then back on the water. The wind pretty much died in a post rain lull, so I was the only one out, trying some light wind wave riding. Was really nice to see everyone on the beach, just me out and the wind starts to pick up. Got planing, threw an underpowered foward, had a brilliant 5 minutes of the sea to myself while everyone on the beach was launching frantically.
Although slightly less wind than the morning, the waves were bigger and peaking nicely. Found some energy and managed some wave riding, forwards, backie and wave 360 attempts.
Finished around 2 with some bizarre weather going on. Cold, then t-shirt temperature, followed by cold, then hail. Pretty glad we were on our way home.